Sunday, February 12, 2012

Please answer Computer Experts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

So basically ive just bought a new samsung r780 laptop and the graphics card is a 1GB Nvidia Geforce 330m Im just wondering if it is worth upgrading the graphics and if so can i do it. Thanks in advance

Upgrading the graphics card to what? The only way to upgrade it is to have the manufacturer replace it. And even then if its built into the motherboard you would be paying for more than you need to.

330M is already a pretty good card itself. If you want to upgrade do it at the time of purchase or just buy a new laptop in the future because it will cost about the same.

You can’t upgrade it since it’s built-in. But it is not necassary.

In a word No, very expensive, but at 1gig you should be just fine.

and toshiba tablet android 3.0

toshiba android tablet get hi guys i will purchase a laptop now i know the << repubkic of gamers>> laptops are very good but i found 3 good laptops in cyprus-larnaka:
(1) samsung r780-js01gr
(2) samsung r580-js02gr
(3) Hp pavilion dv6-2135ev
(4) Hp pavilion dv6-2030ev
(5) Sony Vaio VPC-f11m1e/h
(6) Hp Pavilion dv7-3165ev

those are the laptops that im thinking to purchase one of them but i still want to be sure that they will run guild wars 2 and dead space 2 on high fluently… ok for 2 seconds lag it isnt a problem but as long as its not in the middle of the action oh and i want them to run fluently with anti allazing *4

so guys please help me
any help wil be apreciated
thank you

hpdv7 3165 if you have enough money. Or the samsung r580.

All the laptops you have listed have good graphics card and latest processors and will be able to handle the games you have mentioned without any problem.

The sony vaio and both the samsung models have the best graphics card in the list.

The HP dv6-2030ev has the best processor, core i7. All the others have core i5 which also very good.

Only the samsung r780 lacks a blu ray drive.

Memory, hard disk, OS, connectivity are pretty much the same in all models.
All laptops also look attractive. But the Sony vaio, and The two Samsung models (in red) look really great.

Now lets see the price.
samsung r780 – $ 799
samsung r580 – $ 829
hp dv6-2135 – $ 1050
sony vaio – $ 1150
hp dv7 3165 $ 1350

Now if you have enough money, then go with the hpdv7 3165. It got everything including blu ray support.

Ohterwise go for the samsung r580.

Check out the source for a detailed review of every laptop.


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